Fall and Winter Programs

Race Management 101

Have you ever thought about volunteering to assist with racing committee? This course shares the keys to running an effective and fun event.

You will learn about:

How and why sailing races are organized for fairness and fun.

What makes for a fair and clean experience for a wide range of racers that allows them to focus on their own performance?

What is the role of the Race Committee in dispute resolution or in judging fair play?

How does weather influence decisions? What happens when the wind shifts?

What are the tools of a Race Manager (flags‚ horns‚ apps‚ clocks‚ anchors?)
Class Size
Minimum 10 - Maximum 24
6:00 to 8:00pm
Course Fee
RM 101
December 17‚ 2024
6:00 to 8:00pm
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