Winter Programs

Digital Navigation and Weather Routing

Rich Reichelsdorfer‚ accomplished offshore racer and sailing educator‚ has navigated tens of thousands of miles. He is a US Sailing National Race Officer and has captained large motor and sailing yachts. And while he has sailed long enough to recall paper charts and LORAN‚ he has embraced the potential of Polar-informed weather routing; a predictive computing technique that can plot a theoretic ideal course for a offshore sailing; whether the navigator is trying to avoid weather or be the fastest boat to sail a course.

In this seminar‚ Rich will explain the underlying the technologies and demonstrate applications that make weather routing possible‚ focusing on systems that are accessibly priced for modest cruisers and campaigns.
Class Size
Minimum 10 - Maximum 30
6:00 to 8:00pm
Course Fee
Dig Nav Routing
January 16‚ 2025
6:00 to 8:00pm
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